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Understand your digestive health with the precise Manometry Test in Ahmedabad

Manometry is a technique of studying the functioning of the muscles and valves of the digestive tract,

We perform Esophageal and anorectal Manometry at our motility clinic. Esophageal Manometry test is used to assess patients with disorders of swallowing, regurgitation and vomiting. It is also useful for diagnosing cases of chest pain which are not due to the heart.

Anorectal Manometry test is used to assess patients with difficulty passing stool or difficulty holding stool. It is also ideally done prior to any major surgeries of the anal canal region. We provide biofeedback back services for treatment of constipation and incontinence ( people unable to hold stool)


Esophageal manometery is considered a gold standard for diagnosing motility disorders of the esophagous ( food pipe) Such as
  • Achalasia Cardia types I, II and III
  • Esophgeal gastric outflow obstruction
  • Distal Esophageal spasms
  • Hypercontractile esophagous
  • Ineffective motility
Esophgeal Manometry is recommended prior to any surgery of the esophagous or the junction of the esophgaous and stomach. It is commonly done prior to surgery for GERD ( Gastro- Esophageal reflux) It is also recommended to perform Manometry before any operative treatment for Achalasia Cardia.
Anorectal Manometry is recommended before any complex surgery of the anal canal It is recommended before surgery for complex fistulas, surgery for incontinence. How does Biofeedback back therapy help in treatment of constipation? Approximately 25% of all chronic constipation patients actually suffer from defecatory disorders. Defecatory disorder is a condition where there is a difficulty pushing the stool out from the rectum. These constipation disorders may not respond to normal laxatives. These can be diagnosed using anorectal Manometry. Once a diagnosis of defecatory disorder is confirmed, then that patient can be advised to take biofeedback therapy. In biofeedback therapy the faulty mechanics of the defecation is corrected via biofeedback exercises. These exercises are first taught in the motility clinic and then to be done at home. Patinets need to follow up with sessions at the clinic to track progress. Biofeedback therapy has been proven to be the most effective treatment for defecatory disorders.
No. The process is completely painless. Healthcare providers use sensors to measure physiological functions that and do not cause pain.