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Endoscopy is a technique for examining the inside of the digestive tract. Endoscopy is of two main types – Upper GI endoscopy which is used to examine the upper gastrointestinal tract and Colonoscopy which is used to examine the lower digestive tract. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy can examine the esophagus (food pipe), stomach and duodenum ( first part of the small intestine). Through this technique we can diagnose various conditions affecting this part of the digestive tract. This ensures correct diagnosis and hence better treatment of conditions. If required samples are taken for further examination under a microscope ( by a pathologist). Upper GI endoscopy is safe and is carried out under mild sedation. The procedure takes anywhere between 3 to 15 minutes depending on the procedure being done.

Endoscopy is also used for therapeutic purposes ( treatment) it is an excellent tool for controlling bleeding from the esophagus , stomach and intestines. Any patient with blood in vomit ( hematemesis) should undergo an endoscopy to find out the cause of the bleeding and for treatment of the bleeding.

Colonoscopy is used to examine the colon and ileum ( lowermost part of the small intestine) . This procedure is safe and is carried out under sedation and can take anywhere between 10 -25 minutes , occasionally 45 minutes if some additional procedures have to be done. Colonoscopy can detect various conditions related to chronic constipation and diarrhoea, Bleeding from the lower gastrointestinal tract can be detected through this modality. Early cancers and polyps can be removed during the procedure safely.

How do I prepare for Upper GI endoscopy ?

One should avoid eating food for 6 hours prior to the procedure, last liquid intake can be 4 hours prior to the procedure.

How do I prepare for Colonoscopy?

You will be prescribed a preparation liquid which you will have to drink. This will have to be consumed 5 hours prior to the procedure. The volume will be around 3-4 litres to be consumed over 2 hrs. This leads to clearing of the intestines. Once you start passing clear watery stool you are fully prepared. Some patients have daily  fluid restrictions so they will be prescribed a preparation accordingly. The aim of preparation is to ensure empty intestines so that the colonoscopy can be done well , in less time and with full examination of the colon and ileum.

Which medications can I take ?

Any cardiac , blood pressure or thyroid medication  can be taken with water in the morning of the procedure.

Avoid taking diabetes medications prior to the procedure.

When can I leave the clinic after a procedure?

Any cardiac , blood pressure or thyroid medication  can be taken with water in the morning of the procedure.

Avoid taking diabetes medications prior to the procedure.