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Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography and pancreatography

ERCP is an advanced endoscopic technique which is used for managing issues related to the bile duct and pancreatic duct.

Issues related to the bile duct include bile duct stones, bile duct, tumours, bile duct strictures.

Bile duct issues usually present with pain in the right abdomen, itching, or jaundice.

Bile duct injuries and bile leaks are also managed successfully, and with minimally invasive techniques using ERCP.

Placing metal stents in cancer/ tumour affecting the bile duct.

ERCP is also used for managing various pancreatic conditions.

Acute pancreatitis, due to gallstones.

Management of chronic pancreatitis.

Management of pain delete to chronic pancreatitis.

Management of pancreatic stones, pancreatic strictures and fistula.

Management of pancreatic duct leak.

ERCP procedure

ERCP test in Ahmedabad is typically performed on an outpatient basis under sedation or general anesthesia. Sometimes for some procedures the patient may require admission for observation. The process includes inserting an endoscope through the mouth and passing it down through the esophagus and stomach into the duodenum. Later, a catheter is advanced through the endoscope and into the common bile or pancreatic duct. The ERCP diagnostic and therapeutic procedure also includes injecting a contrast dye using the catheter. The procedure is also visualised in real time under an x-ray.

Preparation for ERCP and medication history.

When you are advised to undergo an ERCP procedure you should disclose all the medications that you are currently taking. Advice regarding blood thinners ( anti platelet medications and anticoagulants) may have to be stopped anywhere between 5 days prior to the procedure. Some blood thinners may be stopped on the day of the procedure. Thyroid and blood pressure tablets should be take early on the morning of the procedure( preferably 6 hrs prior) Diabetes medications should be avoided on the morning of the procedure.

After the procedure; the individual will be monitored in a recovery area until the sedation wears off.

Do not hesitate to connect us to know why you need an ERCP test and get a complete insight into the procedures and benefits and ERCP test costs in Ahmedabad.